for 125 years of St Edmunds Catholic Primary School
Come to the place we all gather,
all welcome to share in God's word.
The voice that cries 'Sorry' or 'Thank you',
we know that it's God's voice we've heard.
Send your Spirit from above
on those who are old,
those who are young;
we are learning
together in God's love,
we are learning
together in God's love.
Share with us stories of Jesus,
stories that bring a new birth;
hearing the words gives us strength
for building God's kingdom on earth.
Here we remember the people
who walked in God's presence before;
we try to learn from their stories
to open our lives to God more.
This song was written for the students and staff at St Edmunds Catholic Primary School to help celebrate their 125th anniversary. It was sung during the celebration mass by the Year 4 children (June 2007) who sang so well they received a spontaneous round of applause!