Photo of sun shining through hawthorn tree, Suffolk 2020

Compassion and love

Psalm 102

  • For the Donlevy family
  • Refrain:
    The Lord is compassion and love,
    Slow to anger, rich in mercy. (repeat)
  1. My soul, give thanks to the Lord,
    my being, bless God's holy name,
    give thanks to the Lord, my soul,
    and never forget all God's blessings.
  2. It is the Lord who forgives guilt,
    who heals each one of your ills,
    and redeems your life from the grave,
    and crowns you with love and compassion.
  3. God's wrath comes swiftly to an end,
    rich is mercy, rich is love,
    for as high as heaven's over earth,
    so strong God's love for all people.
© 2020 Mick Truman

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Listen to audio track of this song

Compassion and love

© 2020 Mick Truman

Mick Truman - vocals, guitars, keyboard

September 2020


themes in this song:

rule of the Lord, fairness, justice, psalms, music, joy, God's love, rejoice

liturgical use:

responsorial psalm:
OT33 (Year c)
