Photo of Abbey Garden ruins, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk 2007

You, Lord, have the message

Psalm 18

  • Refrain:
    You, Lord, have the message of eternal lfe.
  1. The law of the Lord is perfect,
    it revives the soul;
    the rule of the Lord is to be trusted,
    it gives wisdom to the simple.
  2. The rule of the Lord is right,
    it gives joy to the heart;
    the commandment of the Lord is clear,
    it gives light to the eyes.
  3. The fear of the Lord is holy,
    lasting for ever;
    the rulings of the Lord are truth
    and all are just.
  4. They are more desired than gold,
    than the purest gold;
    and sweeter are they than honey,
    than honey from a comb.
© 1994 Mick Truman

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You may reproduce the words for assembly use or bulletins on the understanding that you include the author and composer name, copyright line and download notice as seen.

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themes in this song:

eternal life, God's message, God's law, God's rules, justice, wisdom, commandment

liturgical use:

responsorial psalm:
Easter Vigil, L3 (Year B), OT26 (Year B), OT3 (Year C), Common Psalm for OT
