Photo of a vine clad house, Chartre, 2005

My soul, give praise

Psalm 145

  • Refrain:
    My soul, give praise,
    give praise to God, alleluia!
    My soul, give praise,
    give praise to God, alleluia!
  1. It is the Lord who keeps faith for ever,
    it is the Lord who's just to the oppressed;
    it is God who gives food to the hungry heart,
    the Lord who sets prisoners free.
  2. It is the Lord who givessight to the blind,
    who raises up those who're bowed down;
    the Lord protects the stranger,
    upholds the widow and child.
  3. It is the Lord who loves the just
    and turns against wicked ones;
    the Lord will reign for ever,
    from age to age, Amen!
© 1994 Mick Truman

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You may reproduce the words for assembly use or bulletins on the understanding that you include the author and composer name, copyright line and download notice as seen.

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themes in this song:

praise, God's love, poor, charity, justice

liturgical use:

responsorial psalm:
a3 (year a), OT4 (Year A), OT23 (Year B), OT32 (Year B), OT26 (Year C)
