- Refrain:
The Lord goes up with shouts of joy,
the Lord goes up with trumpet blasts.
The Lord goes up with shouts of joy,
the Lord goes up with trumpet blasts.
- All you peoples clap your hands,
cry to God with shouts of joy!
For the Lord, the Most High,
is King of all the earth!
- God goes up with shouts of joy;
God goes up with trumpet blasts!
Sing praise for our God,
sing praise to God our King!
- God is King of all the earth.
Sing God's praise with all your skill.
God is King of the world,
God reigns from heav'n above!
© 1996 Mick Truman
Alternative version also available
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themes in this song:
ascension, joy, praise, King, children, wonder, Most High, Lord, King, God's reign
liturgical use:
respnsorial psalm:
Passion of the Lord (Procession), Ascension (Year A, B & C), Common Psalm Ascension