Photo of river estuary at sunset, Felixstowe, 2007

The Lord goes up with shouts of joy

Psalm 40

  • Refrain:
    The Lord goes up with shouts of joy,
    the Lord goes up with trumpet blasts.
    The Lord goes up with shouts of joy,
    the Lord goes up with trumpet blasts.
  1. All you peoples clap your hands,
    cry to God with shouts of joy!
    For the Lord, the Most High,
    is King of all the earth!
  2. God goes up with shouts of joy;
    God goes up with trumpet blasts!
    Sing praise for our God,
    sing praise to God our King!
  3. God is King of all the earth.
    Sing God's praise with all your skill.
    God is King of the world,
    God reigns from heav'n above!
© 1996 Mick Truman

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You may reproduce the words for assembly use or bulletins on the understanding that you include the author and composer name, copyright line and download notice as seen.

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themes in this song:

ascension, joy, praise, King, children, wonder, Most High, Lord, King, God's reign

liturgical use:

respnsorial psalm:
Passion of the Lord (Procession), Ascension (Year A, B & C), Common Psalm Ascension
