Photo of Turenne, France 2007

Lord, we gather here


  1. Lord, we gather here,
    all nations together,
    sharing in our union in one faith, one God!
    Lord, you make us welcome here,
    welcome together in your love.
  2. Lord, we gather here,
    all peoples together,
    asking for your mercy,
    heal-ing us with love.
    Lord, you make us welcome here,
    welcome together in your love.
  3. Lord, we gather here,
    your children together;
    God of ev'ry wonder, revealed in Word.
    Lord, you make us welcome here,
    welcome together in your love.
  4. Lord, we gather here,
    to wonder at your goodness;
    bread and wine to offer,
    signs of life for us.
    Lord, you make us welcome here,
    welcome together in your love.
  5. Lord, we gather here,
    as witness to the myst'ry;
    body blessed and broken,
    blood from wine transformed.
    Lord, you make us welcome here,
    welcome together in your love.
  6. Lord, we gather here,
    to celebrate Christ's vict'ry;
    suffering and dying,
    rising to new life.
    Lord, we make you welcome here,
    welcome through sharing in your love.
  7. Lord, we gather here,
    your Spirit among us;
    be with us always,
    present in our lives.
    Lord, we make you welcome here,
    welcome through sharing in your love.
  8. Lord, we gather here,
    to sing of your glory;
    God among all peoples,
    God who gives us peace.
    Lord, we make you welcome here,
    welcome through sharing in your love.
© 1996 Mick Truman

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themes in this song:

welcoming, gathering, sharing, God's love

liturgical use:

Welcoming, gathering
